1. Qingdao o Tsingtao
Qingdao is one of the coastal cities of China that, by virtue of the colonial inheritance and the rapid development of last years, produces the sensation of having gone out of China. Already in the year 1897 it turned into German colony and this fingerprint perpetuated in the architecture of the city, for what there exist many buildings and mansions of Central European style: The houses are low, elegant and are semisecret between the leafy trees. His streets are kept extremely clean and his inhabitants leak elegance.
2. Xi'an
Xi'an is one of the Chinese cities with major repercussion to cultural standard and historically. Placed in Shaanxi's province, there was known previously as Chang'an, that means eternal city. Along the history there have been numerous the Chinese dynasties that established the capital of the country in Xi'an, as the Qin or the Tang, by what the locality is known as one of the cradles of the Chinese civilization in the area of the basin of the Yellow river.
3. Suzhou
Suzhou known as the cradle of the culture Wu, is one of the "top" destinations as for cities of China, since it preserves his architectural original roots and in that they find the most impressive gardens. Placed to the east of the country, in Jiangsu's province, and to only at an hour of Shanghai, Suzhou has a total surface of 8.488,42 square kilometres and receives near 6 million inhabitants.
The magic of this city resides in the influences got for the culture Wu.
4. Xiamen
Located in the southeast of China, Xiamen has turned into one of the most important Chinese cities of Fujian's province. The city, founded in the year 282 it possesses a long history. In the year 1387 the dynasty Ming used to defend itself from the pirates who were trying to enter the country. In turn, the maritime port has been historically one of the principal ones of the Asian giant, very used by the Europeans in the year 1541, whereas in the 19th century it was one of the key ports at the moment of exporting tea, turning into one of the key doors of entry to China.
5. Nanchang
Nanchang (南昌), the capital of Jiangxi's province, it is one of 35 bigger Chinese cities. Pearl is placed in the average and low course of the river Yangtze, in the delta of the river, and limits with the Lake Poyang to the southwest, Guangdong and Fujian in the southern part, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Hubei in the northern part; and the mountains Jiuling in the western part. The river Gan crosses Nanchang, located also on the banks of the Lagos Xiang (or Lake Elephant, in the southern part) and Qingshan (to the north-east). With a population of approximately 5 millions, the name of the city literally means " prosperous south ".
6. Guilin
Placed in the part northwest of Zhuang de Guangxi's Chinese region Guilín located to the shore of the river Lijiang possesses a total surface of 27.809km2, though the Chinese city only occupies 565km2. Known as Guizhou from the year 507, it was from 1940 when it happened to call of official form Guilin.
His origins go back to 111 B.C., when the emperor Wu of the dynasty Is it restored Shi An's county in that mountainous zone full of vegetation. From this moment one started seating what today is Guilin's city.
7. Macao
The Chinese word Macao "Ou Mun" means " The door of the Bay ". This is due to his location in the river mouth of the Rio of the Pearls and to that this peninsula, from his beginnings this Chinese city was lived by fishermen come from the provinces of Fukien and Guangzhou. On the other hand, the word "Macao", in Portuguese, is related to the worship to the goddess "Á-Má" who is venerated in all the south of China and is for it that the temple that he has constructed at the entry of the Interior Port is dedicated to her. With the name "Á-Má-Gao", the place happened to be known in the whole region up to happening to be named "Macao".
8. Lhasa
Lhasa is the mystical cardinal city of the Tibet, autonomous region of the southwest of the Popular Republic China. It places in the plateau tibetana between the endless mountains of the Himalayas, the highest mountain chain of the Earth. This one includes the Everest, one of the highest tops of the world with almost 9.00 meters of height. In the city there coexist approximately 250.000 inhabitants, of which more than 100.000 they are immigrant, and 264.000 live in the surroundings. There is located to an altitude of 3.650 meters on the level of the sea, in the valley of the river Brahmaputra, which turns her into the highest second city of Asia.
9. Nanjing
Nanjing, whose name means " the capital of the south ", also is known as Nankín or Nanking. It has been the capital for ten Chinese dynasties. At present this Chinese city the capital of Jiangsu's province, being like that one of four more ancient capitals of China.
From this city placed together with the river Yangtsé, Sun Yat-sen proclaimed the Republic of China on January 1, 1912. Also it proclaimed Nanjing's famous agreement in 1842, by means of which Hong Kong was happening to belong to Great Britain after the First War of the Opium.
10. Chongqing
Chongqing is a municipality of the People's Republic of China dependent on the central Government from 1997. It has an extension of 82.000 square kilometres and an approximate population of approximately 30 million inhabitants, of which the majority they live in farms removed from the urban zone. It is placed on the river Yangzi and surrounded with mountains. This provokes that it is one of the Chinese cities with minor number of bicycles for inhabitant.
11. Wuhan
Abridged since They Have, this Chinese city is the capital of Hubei's province and the locality most filled with the central zone of China, with seven million inhabitants in an area of 8.467 km ² (9 million including surroundings). It is in the confluence of the river Yangzi and of the river There have, which separate three cities by which, actually, Wuhan is formed from 1927. To the south of the Yangzi Wuchang is and in the northern part, separated by the river They Have, Hanyang and Hankou.
12. Shenyang
The capital of Liaoning's province in the Popular Republic China.
Ancient city with more than 2.000 years of history, Shenyang goes back to the Period of the States Soldiers (476 aC - 221 aC) and is the cradle of the dynasty Qing. For it, this city has numerous cultural relics that symbolize the prosperity and the later decline of the last feudal dynasty of China.
13. Harbin
Harbin's Chinese city is the Heilongjiang's capital, the province that one finds more to the north of the country, near Siberia. It is located close to the river Songhua and she is known as " The city of ice ". His area is 53.775 km ² and there shelters a population of almost 10 million inhabitants.
The city was the cradle of the dynasties Jin, between 1115 and 1234, and Qing, and between 1644 and 1911. It was chosen by Russia at the end of the 19th century as the final station of the route of the "Transiberiano".
14. Chengdu
Chengdu's Chinese city is the Sichuan's capital, the biggest province of the Popular Republic China. It is placed to the Southwest of the Asian country close to the high part of the river Yangtsé. This privileged location offers spectacular landscapes of great attraction for his visitors who can discover one of the places summit of the Chinese culture. Chengdu's history goes back to the Age of Bronze, when the first inhabitants started coming.
15. Tianjin
Tianjin's Chinese city places to the Northwest of the Plain North of China. It is bathed by the Sea Bohai in the eastern part and for the North it has a little rest on the Mountain chain Yanshan. His name means " the pier of the emperors " and it appeared to the beginning of the reign Yongle of the Dynasty Ming of China. His proximity with Beijing turns her into the entry from the capital and his coastal situation turns her into an important place for the communication with the north of China.
16. Dalian
Dalian is a great Chinese city placed in Liaoning's province inside the Popular Republic China and shores of Bohai's sea. With a total of 1.906 km from coast and a population of approximately 6.200.000 inhabitants, it uses as bridge between the northwest of China and Interior Mongolia. Dalian is also the door to Beijing and Tianjin and has an important paper in the northwest of Asia and the economic circle that surrounds it.
17. Shenzhen
Shenzhen is a Chinese city placed in Guangdong's province, to the south of China. It possesses a population of 8.615.000 inhabitants. The origin of Shenzhen's name comes from the name that the inhabitants of the zones were giving to the ditches of the rice-fields to which they were calling zhen or with and means " deep ditches ", due to the fact that one agrees the city in a region crossed by rivers.
18. Hong Kong
Hong Kong Possesses little more than 1000 square kilometres and shelters more than seven million inhabitants that they are known by the national one of inhabitants of Hong Kong.
From the age of the neolithic one she has been occupied by Chinese population. His paper in the history acquires it after the First War of the Opium, when the island was yielded to United Kingdom across Nanking's Agreement of 1842.
19. Beijing
Beijing is a Chinese city that possesses more 17 million inhabitants and an extension of 17.000 km2, which turns her into one of the major cities of the world and neuralgic center of the Chinese culture. In the downtown there is the Prohibited City and Tiananmen's Plaza. The avenue Changan crosses the city of East on West with his 40 kilometres of length. The ancient part, which was surrounded by a wall until the 50s.
It is the only city that possesses so many monuments considered Heritage of the Humanity.
20. Shanghai
Shanghai is the Chinese city most filled with China. His inhabitants receive the name of shanghaianos. It possesses an aspect increasingly western due to the remains of the colonial occupation and of the relations with Europe. It was founded it does more than 700 years next to the delta called Changjiang, to the east of the China Sea. It is divided in 18 districts and a county. The Yulan (white magnolia) is his official flower. The name of Shanghai means literally " on the sea ".
21. Guangzhou
Before known as Canton, it is considered to be the most important city of the south of the Asian country, beside being one of the principal ports of the country from the dynasty Tang, up to which there were coming the Malay, Hindu, Persian and Arabic merchants. For the city there happens the river of the Pearls or the river Guangdong, after the Yatgsé and the Yellow one. It is famous, for being the economic heart of the China Continentaly is the cultural excellent center of his province, Guangdong.